Hi UC Guys,
i am currently evaluating the Call Flow designer. It looks like a great tool as you only need one GUI to manage all RGS features, but it would be even better if there were a few other features available/included.
From my point of view the following features are currently missing (or version 1.9 is not working correctly):
– add “drill down” function from one ttem to next item (Example: If you are on the “Call Flow Designer” tab, it would be great, if you could directly switch to the configured groups in the selected workflow (and so on))
– add tab with graphical flow chart of RGS including drill down function to specific item
– enable search function to also search for groups
– currently the search function only shows found items, but it does not switch to the found item if you select it.
Please consider implementing these as it would make the work with the call flow manager even more efficient.