Installation Notes
- To download the latest version, login to The UC Guys website and visit the My Account section under “Shop” -> “My Account”
- From “My Account”, navigate the API Downloads section and download the file
- Unzip downloaded file to a location of your choice
- If you currently have a licence and want to save the time re-entering this information, copy over the “Config.dat” file from your existing installation. You may still be asked to re-validate, however the information should be pre-populated
New & Changed Features
- Workflows now show hidden Business Hours Groups which are automatically created when editing custom schedules in the native Workflows editor; such items are tagged as “custom schedule”. Additionally, Workflows that use the default Business Hours settings will be tagged as “24/7”
- Business Hours now show hidden Business Hours Groups which are automatically created when editing custom schedules in the native Workflows editor; such items are tagged with the following message: “This group was automatically created by the custom schedule defined in the native Workflow editor.”
- Default loading action for Health and Numbers tab is now manual
- Added “Enabled” column to Numbers tab
- User input validation improvements
- Improved logging output
- Log tab defaults to error level messages to improve load performance. Use the filter feature to adjust the displayed log levels
Bug Fixes
- Fixed application crash resulting from a deleted Queue that is referenced by a Workflow
- Fixed application crashing on duplicate queues being found
- Fixed licence deactivation button not working
- Fixed application crash due to PowerShell hanging intermittently
- Other minor bug fixes and stability improvement
Known Issues
- You can only select one Holiday per Workflow on the Designer tab – Holidays should be managed from the Holidays tab rather than assigning multiple Holiday Groups. This will be resolved in a later version to support compatibility with the native management tools
- Switching to the logs tab while initial load is taking place may cause the application to hang